The Future of Email Marketing: Innovations and Strategies for Cutting Through the Inbox Clutter
Many pundits have been predicting the demise of Email marketing multiple times. The rise of WhatsApp and other social media communication apps seems to have generally taken the sheen off Email. However, it still plays a significant role in business and personal communication even today. Email is necessary to explain an issue, present a business or proposal or share big files. It is necessary to sign up for new apps and services for getting confirmation or sending bills in a business deal.
Why use Email marketing?
There’s always the talk that too many of the marketing Emails are ending up in the Spam section. However one shouldn’t discount the fact that Email marketing is very cheap and perhaps one of the most cheap ways to send out information into the world. There is also the growing phenomenon of people seeking curated information on things they are interested in. It can be a very narrow segment – and if your company or product fits into that mould, your messages are just perfect for the people you address. It is witnessed worldwide that Email Marketing along with curated information is witnessing sustained and growing acceptance.
How much should you use Email Marketing?
There is this aspect of getting Emails at such an irritating regularity with messages that have no relevance, importance or substance that they get naturally relegated to the Spam section. Overdoing the Email makes people hate your brand or service. It may even lead to losing the very people who were positively inclined to your brand or service in the first place that they clicked to accept Emails from you.
Improvements and relevance
Email Marketing still happening in great numbers – this is the very sign that it is still relevant today. Good personalized information, valuable, well-studied articles and benefits presented attractively – make people accept Emails much more. The marketeer has to seek relevance and constantly make improvements to their messages.
Communicate with your customers
Being overly pushy, smart-alecky and a know-all won’t help. Marketeers have to speak in the tone of voice that their customers want to hear. They don’t want to be preached, pushed, plodded or even tricked by slick wordy marketing techniques to make a buying decision that they would ultimately hate. They want the decision to be made by themselves with deep thought and consideration. They should feel that they are getting a bargain, of course. But it’s not like they are being conned into it.
Audiences love control
As is evident, audiences don’t like being pushed into decisions. They wish to have control over their decisions or at least need the perception of it. Email is still necessary for receiving receipts, confirming reservations to trains and communication for business purposes and hence the relevance of Email will not dwindle. When customer have the option to set their preferences, frequency and enjoy a value-added experience, their resistance to it is much less. This has to be understood by Email Marketers. Shortly, Email will become more engaging, more directed and more precise with the help of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Consumer behaviour and data will still be gathered via Email with much ease and regularity.
Email Marketing has stood its ground and continued to show relevance and resilience. Amatosoft, the leading Social Media and Digital Marketing company in Kochi is helping customers make excellent use of Email Marketing with great success. They are utilizing the potency and its facility for conversation with customers without the clutter to help promote companies and brands in the right way with great value for money through the power of Email Marketing.